New Features! New Email Confirmation method, Changes in the Moderation Panel, New Preferred Extensions in the Community, and more
There are new features on the platform! From now on you have a different way to confirm your email, changes in the moderation panel, including draft publications and changes in the communities, among many other new features! We don't know yet how the tech team works so fast (and well :), but thank you for all your hard work!
Changes in the Moderation Panel
Now in the moderation panel of a community, we can access the publications in "draft". On the other hand, we have added new search filters to improve and facilitate the work of editors and moderators improving the monitoring of the changes introduced by the authors.

Changes in the Email Confirmation
When you are doing the onboarding and it's time to confirm the email, we have changed the way in which this is confirmed. In the last step of the onboarding, it sends you an email with a code to the email specified in the previous steps.
Once you receive the email you have 5 chances to enter the code correctly and, in case of failure, you can ask for another confirmation code and try again. Once you have entered the correct code press next and you have finished the registration!

Web Design Changes
New search bar
We have changed the search engine. It looks as follows at the beginning

Once you make an initial search, you will see the publications found with that first filter. Then you can add more filters for a more detailed search.

New Toolbars for Faster and more Fluid Access to the entire Website
We have added several toolbars to improve the mobility on the page, such as preview buttons to see the publications and calls, see how they look or return to the back screen

Changes in the Communities
Set preferred file extension in the community edit
Now the owner of a community can configure the preferred file extensions for submissions. Once configured, it will notify users when they upload a file with a different extension.

That's all for now! Please, don't hesitate to try these and more exciting features at:
There are more exciting features coming up in the next weeks we know you'll love!
Stay tuned to our announcements across any of the Orvium social media channels and feel free to reach out.