Orvium Bites: How to Upload an Article to Orvium

Orvium Bites Sep 12, 2022

In today's video, we talk about how to upload your article to our platform, in the easiest way.

Once you have validated your account, click on "New publication". You can create your article from zero or import it. If you decide to import, enter the DOI of your article and Orvium will take care of importing it.

If you prefer to create it, enter the community where you want to upload your article and its title and click on "Create". On the next page, you will be able to edit all the details of your publication, such as:

  • abstract: include the full abstract of your article so readers and moderators can quickly find out what it is about.
  • keywords: enter the keywords of your article to make it easier to find.
  • discipline: search for your discipline and include it in your article
  • licenses: if you want to know more about the different CC licenses, you can consult the following link: https://blog.orvium.io/creative-commons-license-academic-papers/.

You can also include details about:

  • the authors of the publication: you can enter your own name automatically, or you can include the name of other authors associated with the article. In the second case, you can differentiate their contribution to the paper, in the section called CRediT roles.
  • the different references contained in the article.

Once you have done, save your publication and you will upload your article. The community guidelines usually indicate the type of document accepted and in the case of uploading it in a different format, an alert will pop up, warning about it. If you have finished, click "Submit" and your publication will be sent to the community editors for evaluation.

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You can also check out our first video on what is Orvium here


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