New features! Publication view page, new publication dialog, improved notifications, profile improved...
It's been a couple of months since our last release, but we hope the wait is worth it. Visit and check by yourself a whole bunch of new features we hope they make your life easier while using the platform:
- New publication view page, now, visitors to your publications will end up in this specific view, and in case you are the author and you need to make changes just click on the blue "Edit" button on the top right.

- Create publication dialog makes a lot easier to start creating your next paper, you just need to type the title and hit enter and you are ready to go
- Improved notifications to stay up to date with all platform messages.

- The user profile has been improved and now you can see when you've become reviewer in the platform:

- The user onboarding wizard now gives you the option to send us your institution information with a simple form in case it isn't available.

- Among minor bug fixes and interface enhancements we've upgraded all platform dependencies (ie, Angular 9) to improve security and performance.
The dev team has been working on more features you can't see now but we hope they will become available shortly. Coming up:
- Invite friends/colleagues
- Amazon Web Services S3 integration: this will help a faster and scalable underlying storage
Try these and more exciting features at:
That’s all for now! Stay tuned to our announcements across any of the Orvium social media channels and feel free to reach us out.