How to Write the Perfect Peer Review | Orvium

Peer review Mar 17, 2023 Ver este post en Español

The purpose of peer review is to ensure that the research is rigorous, accurate, and meets the standards of the journal where it will be published and those of the scientific community. So, as you can imagine, the process is of utmost importance for all parties involved.

Among the benefits of peer review, we can distinguish the following:

  • maintaining the integrity of the research and the publication process by ensuring that the research is of high quality and meets ethical standards, which helps build trust and confidence in the scientific community and the general public
  • identifying errors and weaknesses in the research, which can be addressed before publication, which helps improve the research’s quality and ensures that it is as accurate and reliable as possible
  • ensuring that research is disseminated to the broader scientific community promptly and accurately so the quality and accuracy of scientific research won’t be compromised and the credibility of the entire scientific enterprise won’t be called into question.

However, good peer review is not easy. So this article aims to showcase how to write an outstanding peer review.

How to prepare before writing a peer review

Before you start writing your review, it’s essential to take some time to prepare and familiarize yourself with the manuscript and the journal’s submission guidelines to avoid the research being rejected. Here’s a suggested process you could follow:

1. Understand the purpose of the review

The first step in preparing to write a peer review is to understand the purpose of the review. What is the journal looking for in the study, and what are the essential criteria you should evaluate? Make sure you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you as a reviewer.

2. Read the manuscript carefully

Take the time to read the manuscript carefully and make notes on any strengths or weaknesses you identify. Pay attention to the methodology, results, and conclusions, and make sure you understand the author’s arguments and evidence.

3. Familiarize yourself with the journal’s submission guidelines

Before writing your review, ensure you understand the journal’s submission guidelines and formatting requirements. This will help you ensure that your review meets the journal’s standards and is submitted correctly.

4. Take notes

As you read the manuscript, note your impressions and any specific feedback you have for the author. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you don’t forget any crucial points when writing your review.

5. Consider the audience

Finally, consider the audience for your review. Who is the review intended for, and what level of expertise do they have in the field? This will help you tailor your feedback to the needs of the journal and its readership.

By preparing before you start writing your review, you can ensure that your feedback is thoughtful, constructive, and meets the expectations of the journal and the scientific community.

Writing a useful peer review

When writing a peer review, it’s important to provide specific and constructive feedback that helps the author improve the quality of their manuscript.

1. Start with a summary of the manuscript

Begin your review by providing a quick overview. This should include a summary of the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions. This will help you ensure that you clearly understand the manuscript before you start providing feedback.

2. Provide specific and constructive feedback

Once you have summarized the manuscript, provide detailed and constructive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. Focus on particular aspects of the manuscript, such as the methodology, data analysis, or writing style, and provide specific examples to support your comments. Avoid making general comments or personal attacks on the author.

3. Use clear and concise language

When writing your review, use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the author or the journal’s readership. This will help ensure that your feedback is understood and can be acted upon.

4. Suggest areas for improvement and specific recommendations

As part of your feedback, suggest areas for improvement and provide specific suggestions on how the author can improve the manuscript. Be as straightforward as possible, and provide clear guidance on how the author can address any weaknesses you have identified.

5. Use evidence to support your comments

Finally, support your statements. If you suggest changes to the methodology or data analysis, provide specific references or examples to support your recommendations. This will help the author understand the rationale behind your feedback and give them the information they need to make informed decisions about improving their manuscript.

Finalizing your peer review

Once you have written your peer review, before submitting it to the journal, make sure you proofread your review for grammar and spelling errors and double-check that you have addressed all of the journal’s requirements. Now you’re ready to submit your review by the deadline and follow up with the editor if necessary.

At Orvium, we are working hard to offer our users the best tools that can help them review and publish research faster, which is why our platform has built-in tools for self-publishing, free global access to published research, as well as the option for expert reviews from peers in your field through an open peer review.

If you’d like to learn more, make sure to visit our website and platform. And also, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, or Instagram to keep up with the latest news and product features.


Roberto Rabasco

+10 years’ experience working for Deutsche Telekom, Just Eat or Asos. Leading, designing and developing high-availability software solutions, he built his own software house in '16