New features! New sidenav, improved toolbar, profile new fields, publication status tracker, publication new tabs and share options...

New features! New sidenav, improved toolbar, profile new fields, publication status tracker, publication new tabs and share options...

The dev team never stops, not even during Christmas ☃️and instead of contributing to climate change sending you another Christmas card we rather want to treat you well with important platform updates we know for sure you will enjoy:

  • Toolbar has got many updates in this release, for example, the blockchain toggle is back in, a 'new publication' button represented with a ✏️, a new notifications menu 🔔 and finally a brand new sidebar with many controls in it:
  • Sidebar contains the most important tools to back you up with publications, reviews, dashboards, profile, etc. Some of these are still under development so don't hesitate to send us your feedback in terms of what'd you like to find there.
  • Profile: The new profile section got a few more sections in order to showcase your professional background and disciplines of expertise. The more fields you complete, the easiest to find information that might be of interest to you.
  • Publication status tracker: now is even easier to track the status of a paper with the stepper placed at the very top of the publication. Follow from 'draft' to 'in review' until the paper is finally 'published':
  • Publication tabs: improved user experience with these three new tabs to split the publication, peer reviews and blockchain capabilities:

New social media buttons: to help you share your favorite work with your friends and colleagues. You'll find these within the publication component:

Try these and more exciting features at:

That’s all for now! Stay tuned to our announcements across any of the Orvium social media channels and feel free to reach us out.