New features! ORCiD login, keywords, multiple authors, multiple files, UI improvements...

While it is true that we published several updates in the past about the project and the platform (check out our previous stories in Medium), we want to start sharing these updates more often with you. Turns out, last 14th March we released our brand new platform and that seems a great moment to start doing it.

It has been only ten days but we have been working really hard to bring some cool updates to the platform:

  • Login with ORCID: The most popular identification system for scientific authors and contributors can now be used in the platform (in addition to Google and LinkedIn accounts)
  • Keywords: Now you can add keywords to your publications and they will be considered when you make a search.
  • Multiple authors: Each publication author is now clearly shown in the application.
  • Multiple publication files: Authors can upload multiple files to their publication. When two or more files are published in one specific publication, we will store in the blockchain only one hash (which is the hash of all publication file hashes).
  • UI improvements and bug fixes.

Go and check these and more features to

That’s all for now but we will be sharing more about our development very soon. Stay tuned and feel free to connect with us in any of our social channels: