New Features! Updated community guidelines, new publication dialog, and more

There are new features on the platform! From now on, you can add the guidelines for authors in the community and enjoy new functionalities in the published edition. We don't know where the tech team finds the time to do all these things. Great job team!

Community Guidelines and Acknowledge

Now you can add the community guidelines for authors to instruct how to prepare papers to be submitted to your community. Simply change your community guidelines URL in your community edit section and they will be visible on the landing page.

Additionally, there's a section for the author's acknowledgment. It reflects basically what are the rules authors have to comply with when sending work to your community. The field automatically previews underneath and you can use HTML syntax to improve the way it looks.

Edit community - Guidelines and Acknowledgment
Community landing page

New fields in edit publication

Some changes have been added in the edit publication to increase the traceability and indexation of the researcher's work. See the details below:

Conference & Journal Details

Now you can add details related to your publication, ie: the name of the book related to the publication, the publisher, identifiers such as ISSN and ISBN and more.

Edit publication - Conference and journal extra fields

More author institutions

Now authors of a publication can have multiple institutions associated with them when their names are being added to a publication.

Edit publication - Authors with multiple institutions

All of them will be visible from the author list of the publication.

Publication - Author with three institutions

New publication dialog

Now you have to select the community where you want to publish when uploading your publication. This applies when importing your publication using our DOI importer as well.

Please, don't hesitate to try these and more exciting features at:

There are more exciting features coming up in the next weeks we know you'll love!

That's all for now! Stay tuned to our announcements across any of the Orvium social media channels and feel free to reach out.