Meet the team: Interview with Gaizka Valle

Today we are very pleased to introduce you to Gaizka Valle, our new Software Engineer in the Tech Team! He likes playing with his dogs, Boss and Drogo, and, although he doesn't mention it in the interview, he has the ability to repair coffee makers. Everyone at Orvium appreciates that skill! Continue reading to find out more about Gaizka.

Your name? (the real one! :)

My real name is Gaizka Valle Zabala

Favorite movie?

I’m a huge fan of science fiction, but above all, I’m a Star Wars fan. My favorite one is “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI)”

Do you play music?

I don’t play any instrument, but I really like listening to music. Nowadays my favorite band is "Estopa".

Last book you read?

The last book I read is “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” by George R.R. Martin and my favorite saga is Harry Potter.

Do you have any hobbies or favorite sports? (curling is not allowed)

My biggest hobbies are my two dogs, Boss and Drogo, I spent a lot of time with them. And talking about sports. I really like basketball but nowadays I don’t really have time to play it too much.

Tell us a bit more about yourself, how did you get into software development?

Since I was a kid I have been interested in computers, games, technology… so it was an easy choice for me to study computer science.

What do you love about your profession?

That is always changing so you can’t stop learning about it, you can’t get bored.

What is your philosophy behind software engineering?

The freedom to solve problems. You can resolve one problem in many different ways, so there is no perfect solution.

What brought you to Orvium? What do you like about the product?

I was looking for an internship to learn more about software development and at the same time Roberto was searching for new people, so we got a match :) I really liked the concept of Open Peer Review and I think that it has a huge potential if it is well implemented in the scientific community.

Any funny/interesting stories that you can share from your time in Orvium?

The first week in the office when I brought my mug the team mentioned that it was the exact same mug that the person before me. What a coincidence!

Thank you very much for your answers Gaizka!

We love to have you onboard and hope you enjoy your time with us at least as much as we do.

With this post now you know a bit more about our team. We hope you enjoyed it and remember to check our previous "meet the team" interview with Jonathan Heppner from the Marketing Department.