Meet the team: Interview with Ander Legarda

Today we are very pleased to introduce you to Ander Legarda, our new Business and Marketing Administrator who will be part of the Business Department. Ander is a big sports lover and Dan Brown is one of his favorite writer. Continue reading to find out more about Ander!

Your name? (the real one! :)

My name is Ander Legarda and I am currently coursing a master’s degree in Digital Marketing at Mondragon University.

Favorite movie?

I consider myself a cinephile, I don’t care about the movie genre, but I really like the conspiracy and mystery ones, such as “Angels and Demons”.

Do you play music?

No, I do not. I have never played any instrument but I like the guitar I would definitely give it a go! Anyway, I prefer to listen to music instead, any type of music.

Last book you read?

I am a huge fan of Dan Brown, the writer of “The Da Vinci Code”, “Angels and Demons” and “Inferno”, among others. So the last book I read is “The Lost Symbol” written by this same author.

Do you have any hobbies or favorite sport? (curling is not allowed)

I really enjoy hanging out with my friends. I also like to watch movies, series, and sometimes cooking. I’m a big sports fan and I follow my regional football and basketball teams: Alaves and Baskonia. Besides, every time I can, I like to travel.

What do you love about your profession?

I love the creativity, the freedom and the opportunities it provides. Marketing and digital marketing promote the creative and innovative side of each person and, it’s also a constantly changing environment, every day come out new ideas, commercials or tools that change the way we see marketing.

What is your philosophy behind business administration and marketing?

Since I was a little boy, I was told to do what I most like. That philosophy made me become a curious person and that spirit helped me start my career in business administration.

Later on, I specialized in sports administration. But during my university career, I had some marketing lessons which made me change my mind and choose the marketing route. So that’s my philosophy, do what you like and fight for it.

What brought you to Orvium? What do you like about the product?

My master’s coordinators regularly offer positions in companies demanding people for marketing roles. One day, a vacancy in Orvium was offered, a company based in my own hometown, I was very curious so after I learned more about the company and after talking to Roberto, I knew I wanted to join the team.

I am very keen to take part in a company that seeks to encourage accessibility, freedom and open communication in the scientific publishing world.

Thank you very much for your honest answers Ander!

We love to have you on board and hope you enjoy your time with us at least as much as we do.

With this post now you know a bit more about our team. We hope you enjoyed it and remember to check our previous "meet the team" interview with Sergio Rodriguez from the marketing team.